Monday, May 30, 2011

Day 1

Hello to everyone!!
Today was our day to rest and re-coop from the long journey.  We slept until 12:30 and woke up just in time for lunch!  We enjoyed rice, plantains, and some sort of delicious bean/stew/plaintain mixture.  Let's just say, our palates are broadening.  Since we didn't have to go to the clinic today, the five of us went on a long walk to see more of the town.  Right when we left we ran into this beautiful 14 year old girl named Lucy.  She wanted to show us her home and family.  SHe invited us in to sit down and talk with her and her mothere.  We also got to meet her siblings. On our walk, we also saw the villages where people set up huts to sell many different things.  We also got to see a giant Tea Plantation.  Everywhere we go people stare and wave at us and shout mizungo (white person)!  We then came back and played with the children until dinner time.  We played soccer, volleyball, and lots of duck-duck goose.  The children kept asking us for sweets and more toys.  They also enjoyed pulling Remi's long braid.  After all the playing, it was time for dinner.  The sisters made rice, beans, peanut sauce, squash, potaotes, spinach, and a lovely arrangement of veggies!  So good!!  And for dessert we had cake and pineapple.  It was a great day and now it is off to bed to get some rest before our first day at the clinic!   Love to you all!

Remi, Meg, Kelley

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