Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Day 2: Our First Day at the Clinic!

Another great day in Kyarusozi!  Today was out first day at the clinic.  We woke up and had some breakfast and packed some lunch to take for later in the day.  We all then packed into a big white pick-up truck and headed for the clinic.  It was the bumpiest ride of our lives.  The road is completely covered with potholes and huge cracks/trenches.  After the 15-20min ride we made it to the clinic!  Once we got our stuff unloaded we got to see the school where Carrie and Rachael are teaching.  We played with the kids at recess and then headed next door to the clinic.  We were introduced to the staff and then each assigned a different area to observe and help out as needed.  Kelley was in an admission room and assisted in distributing meds for discharged patients.  Meg was in the antenatal room where she used a fetoscope to hear babies heart rates.  Remi was in anothere admission room with the clinic officer listening to patients sypmtoms and complaints.  Basically, today was just for observing and getting used to the clinic and the way everything works.  We were all amazed to see the dramatic differences from the clinic here and hospitals back home.  It was a great first day!  Then the five of us decided to walk back to the convent.  Holy cow, was it a walk!  Between the hills, potholes, trenches/cracks in the road, we were all pretty beat after the hour and fifteen minute walk!  Once we made it back, the sisters had a delicious mid-afternoon snack waiting for us.  We are treated so well!  We rested for a bit and ended the day with playing with the kids until dinnertime.  Talk to you tomorrow!

Remi, Kelley, and Meg

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