Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Day 3: Immunizations at the Clinic

Hello everyone! Today we all got up and made it over to the Parish Center where the brothers stay and went to mass at 7:00 which was English.The music and singing were so beautiful as they harmonized and used drums, maracas, and clapping. Ate breakfast and prepared for another day at the clinic. Today was immunization day for many young infants. Some of the immunizations included polio, measles, DTaP, BCG, and Hep B. Remi was on the immunization unit today and she got to help out a lot. Meg was with the antenatal nurse and was able to check fetal positioning and heart rates. Kelley was in the pharmacy checking the stock of meds and distributed to the discharged patients. We all learned a lot of key phrases in Rutooro, the local language, that will help us at the clinic and in communicating with the kids in the school and neighborhood. Sister Edith wanted to take us to see the St. Joesph Secondary School which is just down the road from the primary school and clinic. We all we amazed how big the "campus" was and how college like it felt. All the class rooms are separate buildings. It was set on top of a hill with a BEAUTIFUL view of a valley and mountain range in the distance. We all wish we had the opportunity to see that every day! Since we didn't make the long walk home today, we decided to go for our first run in Africa. The African sun is quite HOT as you can imagine...We all made it back alive and felt great afterwards. That is all for today!
Kelley, Meg, Remi

PS. Shout out to Adam (Meg's fiance)!!

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