Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The Foundation For Tomorrow

Hello everyone!! Tuesday was a great day here in Tanzania. I went to work with Annie today to get more educated about the non profit organization she is interning with. We got to the office at 8:30 and Annie got some work done before we went to the local Maasai market. We were so overwhelmed with all the venders and the shouting in Swahili. After about 3 hours of bargaining and spending we made it out with some great buys. From the market we went to eat lunch at The Blue Heron restaurant. We all displayed out purchases and then enjoyed a delicious meal.
We made it back to the office just in time to get in the car and drive to Usa River Academy. Annie and I sat with some of the girls so that Annie could get some more information on them to update their profiles. They opened up to us and even performed a dance for us!
After the afternoon at school, we were dropped off at the apartment and we decoded to stay in and cook dinner. We had some noodles so we went out to the street to buy some fresh fruits and vegetables to add to our pasta sauce. We enjoyed our meal by the fire in the lodge. We were so tired from the long day, we were in bed with the lights out (technically they were always out because we didn't have power all day-lamps is more appropriate) by 8:30p. We were prepared for the much needed sleep after such a productive day.


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