Monday, July 18, 2011


Hey all- sorry it's been so long since my last post. I just got back from a weekend trip to Zanzibar. This island is only an hour and a half flight off the coast of Tanzania. Zanzibar is a unique island as it has been influenced by so many different cultures that have competed for the island. The most predominant religion on the island is Islam with 98% of the population in practice. This predominent religion and culture projects itself on the over all feel of this beautiful place. The buildings in Stone Town are beautifully white and are built with Indian, Persian, and European architecture styles. The people are beautifully dressed in fabrics with magnificent colors and designs. I abaolutely love the island because it is something so different to experience.
After walking around Stone Town, we settled at a Sunset bar at The African House Hotel. We got drinks and met up with a friend Annie made in the Cairo airport during her journey to Tanzania. He is a student at Northwestern University Working for a NGO organization that helps schools in Zanzibar. After seeing the beautiful sunsets across the Indian Ocean, we went into the center of town to a place called the Forodhani Gardens for dinner. The garden area was packed with different venders making delicious variations of foods. There were over 50 different stands selling different parts of dinner. We first tried a traditional Znanzibarian style pizza that looked and tasted more like an omelette. We then tried the freshly juiced sugar cane drink while waiting for our seafood on a stick to be warmed up. Everything was so amazingly fresh and prepared right before us. We ate our meal sitting on the concrete ledge overlooking the harbor.
We walked a little ways on the edge of the beach to Freddy Mercury's Bar. We sat and enjoyed looking at all the pictures of his band Queen. Today was also a
Day that celebrated Nelson Mandela so we cheers to freedom.
On our way back from Mercury's Restaurant, we stopped at a stand to order banana and nutella chapate for dessert. Jere we ran into 2 volunteers from the states. One from Ohio and one from the Kansas City area (Leawood)!! Such a small world.
Saturday morning we got up early to get a taxi and drive about an hour to Nunguwi, a small town on the north part of the west coast. We checked into our little bungalow which was only a few steps off the white sandy beach. We grabbed lunch on the beach and then claimed our groups for the rest of the afternoon to bask in the sun. The day was perfect. The view of the water and the sailboats out at sea was surreal. We couldn't believe we were there.
Sunday morning we got up to head back to Stone Town to met up with Blair. He set up a boat cruise out to Priion Island. This day was also perfect. The island had giant tortoises and a prison that was used back in the days of the slave trade. The water and views were breath taking. We had the opportunity to snorkle off Prison Island. I was so supprised of all the colorful fish and coral we saw. I did not expect to see the exotic sea life.
For dinner, we went back to The African House to enjoy the sunset on our last night. We took many beautiful sunset pictures and sat on the cozy couches to enjoy our meal. The weekend was packed with so many fun events. We were so lucky to have the opportunity to travel here. I loved every second.

I have one more full day with Annie in Arusha, then I make the journey back home to Kansas.

I cannot wait to share my pictures for you all to see!


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