Thursday, July 7, 2011

Last Day in Kyarusozi

Today was a sad day for all of us. Last night we handed out our clothes and said our goodbyes to the kids from the neighborhood. We woke up this morning for our last 6:45am run with our CC team. We were prepared to say bye to them, but boy were we wrong. It turned out that all the kids that we have gotten to know the past 6 weeks had skipped school for the day in order to spend the rest of the morning with us before our ride came at 11:00. It was so hard to see their sad faces as we played with them. Once we started putting bags in the car, the tears for all of us started to flow. The one child who won our hearts with his mischievous ways and ornery behavior, Ricky (5) let down his gaurd and started sobbing. This made us all break down.
It is so sad that our time here has come to an end. We have learned so much in this short time in Uganda. Our experience here has broadended our minds and expanded our hearts to a different way of living that is not necessarily bad because it is different. We hope that our stories when we are home will paint the picture of the beautiful country and people we have come to know and love.

Kelley, Meg, and Remi

P.S Meg and Remi get back to the states on July 9th and Kelley will return after her trip to Tanzania to see her teammate Annie on July 20.

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