Sunday, July 3, 2011

Day 33, 34, 35: So Good to see You Again Jinja!

     Hello everyone!!!  What a fun and exciting weekend we had!  We woke up at 5am on Friday morning and made our way back to Jinja for an early Fourth of July celebration on a cruise over lake Victoria.  We passed by the Source of the Nile as we were enjoying our veggies and hummus.  It was so much fun!  The two Notre Dame students living across the street came with us and we met up with about 15 other Notre Dame students that are wroking in various parts of Uganda.  It was so neat to talk with everyone and see what differences they are making here as well.  We don't think we will ever escape the Notre Dame/Saint Mary's bubble.  Which isn't a bad thing!
     Since we weren't testing our fate and white water rafting on The Nile again, on Saturday the five of us hung out by the pool and later made our way to Jinja town to do a little bit more shopping.  It was just a nice and relaxing afternoon.  Once everyone else got back from rafting we ate dinner and hing out by the campsite for the rest of the evening.
    We woke up early this morning and made our way back home.  The journey back home today was heavenly compared to last time!  There were no giant public buses or vomiting passengers anywhere to be found!  We made our way through the busy streets of Kampala and found our driver without a problem.  It just goes to show how much we have grown in the past six weeks! 
    After our weekend of fun we are ready to head back to the clinic tomorrow.  We all cannot believe this is our last week.  It is going to be so sad leaving everyone here.  We can only hope that we have made as much of an impact on the people we met here as they have made on us.  The people we have come in contact with over these past six weeks have changed our lives tremendously.  We have definitely built relationships that will hopefully last forever!
   Love to all and see you in less than ONE WEEK!

Remi, Meg, and Kelley 

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