Thursday, June 30, 2011

Day 32: The Clinic

Hi everybody!
      We just got home from our last Thursday working at the clinic. We cannot believe our trip has gone by so fast. We were able to start more IV's today and then headed to another primary school to immunize more young girls. The children and teachers at the school we went to today had never seen a white person before. They all sprinted to the car as soon as we pulled up and continued to swarm in on us and stare for the next three hours. We immunized 150 girls and then went back to the clinic. We are really looking forward to our 4th of July weekend in Jinja with a large group of Notre Dame students that are working in different parts of Eastern Uganda. We will talk to you all on Sunday or Monday. Have a fun and safe 4th of July!
    Love you!
Kelley, Remi, and Meg

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