Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Day 10: IVs

Today was a great day!  We all went to mass this morning and headed off to the clinic.  The clinic was very busy today.  The midwife was sick so we were all running around trying to help wherever we were needed.  Kelley was in charge of admitting patients as they came in the door.  This was a wee bit difficult because of the language barrier.  But she caught on with a few key phrases and managed quite well!  Meg was in the pharmacy room today handing out meds as the patients left the clinic.  Remi was in maternity/antenatal today.  She assessed pregnant mothers.  The midwife was not there, so it was difficult doing it alone.  Throughout the day, all three of us got to learn how to insert an IV.  It was a dream come true!  The process was rather nerve wracking because of the limited supplies the clinic has, such as gloves.  After work, we made our way over to the secondary school to play some basketball with the students.  We were amazed to see the type of court the kids have to play on.  It is filled with tall grass, dirt, and many rocks.  The baskets were much higher than we were used to, making it that more difficult!  It was fun to play and get to know a whole different group of kids.  We are all so tired after our busy day! 
Love to all,

Kelley, Remi, and Meg

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