Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Day 30 and 31: Busy Bees

Hello everyone!
      Sorry we didn't blog last night. Yet again, the power was out last night. We had another great day outreaching yesterday. We went to another village where women came with their young babies to be immunized. We immunized 28 babies, so it was a relatively slow day. When we were finished, we packed everything up and were pulling out on our way back to the clinic, we noticed a few mothers who had arrived late. We stopped the car and had to give immunizations out of the back of the truck, in the middle of the road. Only in Africa!
     Today we finally got to spend the entire day at the clinic instead of outreaching, which we have been doing so much of lately. Remi and Kelley each started an IV today. Kelley's patient of 3 and a half years old, was suffering of severe malaria. When she was inserting the cannula he did not cry or even pull away. This is clear evidence of just how sick this little boy was. Since it was finally a nice day out, and the sun was shining, we walked home and made great timing. It was so nice to see the beautiful scenery and talk to the local people. Our knowledge of the Rutooro language is growing, allowing us to carry on short conversations with the people we encounter. It is really apparent just how happy they are that we are taking the time to learn their language. Their smiles and little giggles are so heart warming. We now have to head back to the kitchen and make some chipates! Talk to you tomorrow...if the power is on ;).
Love you all!
Remi, Kelley, and Meg

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