Thursday, June 9, 2011

Day 11: Happy Heroes Day!

Well today was  a national holiday (again), so that meant no work for us!  We took advantage of the day off and traveled to the Crater Lakes and the two Notre Dame students across the street, Matt and Natalie, came with us.  Oh my goodness, it was beautiful.  They were two lakes that were made from a volcano.  They were surrounded by rock and beautiful trees.  Kelley, Remi, and Matt took a ride in a wooden paddle boat with a couple of the local children.  It was so peaceful and the view was breath taking!  After our long trip to the lakes, we headed into the city to the local pizza parlor.  We were all so excited to ave a taste from home!  One of the pizzas was called the "American" pizza and naturally had french fries on top.  We all had a great time hanging out and seeing more of the city together!  It was a great, relaxing holiday.  That's all for now!!!  We are getting very excited for our Nile River Rafting trip for the weekend.  We leave bright and early tomorrow morning!  So we will have lots to share on Sunday when we return.  Love to all!!

Remi, Meg, and Kelley

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