Friday, June 17, 2011

Day 19: Friday, Friday...

     Hey guys! We are still enjoying running with the kids at all hours of the day. It continues to amaze us that most children run barefoot, often in their school uniforms, or worn out clothes that they wear every day.  We have closets full of clothes at home while these children show up to play in the same outfit every day. 
     Today was a relatively slow day at the clinic due to the rain. We all assumed our same jobs for this week. Nothing too big happened to any one of us.
     Tonight was game night with the sisters, so we busted out the Rummikub and Uno. The competitive side of the sisters really comes out strong on game night!  We are all going to bed early tonight to get ready for our big safari trip in Kasesse. It should be a great adventure!!  Talk to you on Tuesday when we return!

Meg, Remi, and Kelley

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