Thursday, June 2, 2011

Day 4: Fort Portal

What a day we had today!!!  Today we didn't have to work at the clinic.  Instead, we went with Sister Daisy to Fort Portal which is about 45mins from the convent.  We did so many things and are so excited to share them with you!  On our drive into the city we passed through a national park.  Daisy told us that the baboons would be waiting for us by the road to get bananas, and she was right!  As we got closer there were baboons lined up all along the road and as we slowed down they all approached the car waiting for us to give them a banana.  It was so neat!  We all got so excited and took so many pictures.  Once we finally made it to Fort Portal we went to the bank first so we could exchange money.  Next we went to visit the congregation of The Daughters of St. Therese Little Flower where Daisy's sister lives.  We sat and talked with the for a while and enjoyed a delicious glass of fresh mango juice.  It was out of this world!  We then headed over to Sister Lillian's house who is also a Sister of the Holy Cross.  We were so amazed by the convent and how beautiful it was and the nature it was surrounded by.  We all thought it reminded us of a beautiful beach house with windows EVERYWHERE and turquoise walls.  So beautiful!  Sister Lillian is from California, so it was interesting to hear her story and why she wanted to come and live in Uganda as a religious.  She also prepared a delicious lunch for us, complete with pineapple upside-down cake!  After our delicious Thanksgiving Day-like lunch, we all headed to the market.  We bought ingedients for our meal we are making on Sunday for the Sisters and some gifts too!  It was so neat to see so many of the same things we have at home here at the market.  After shopping, we went to go visit the Brothers at Lake Saaka.  It was absolutely gorgeous.  The property was breath taking.  The house was very open and inviting with beautiful architecture and paintings.  The lake was so beautiful with the mountains in the distance.  We all agreed that we would have no porblem living there!  After a long day, we made our way back to Kyarusozi with a car full of goodies.  Dinner was waiting for us when we got back and we have spent the rest of the night laughing and telling the other Sisters about our exciting day! 

Remi, Meg, Kelley

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