Thursday, June 16, 2011

Day 18: Another Day at the Clinic

     Hello everyone!  Sorry you didn't hear from us last night.  The internet has a mind of its own over here and last night it wasn't working with us!  Today was another great day at the clinic.  Again, Meg was in maternity, Kelley was in Pharmacy, and Remi was in admission/room 2.  Meg is becoming an expert at feeling fundal height and hearing fetal heart tones, Kelley was able to do another dressing change and tetanus boosters.  Remi is slowly but surely learning the local lingo in her duties at the admission table.  And inserting a few IVs here and there!  We are all adapting very well at the clinic!  It is so hard to paint a picture of what it is like at the clinic.  It just breaks our heart to see how much they are lacking in supplies that are so common to us.  For example, blankets and towels are in abundance at the hospitals at home, but here there is not a single one.  Because of the lack of basic supplies, a mother was forced to take off her child's clothes to clean up the mess after the child got sick. 
     We were able to go to another outreach to a nearby village, Kasaba.  The outreach was held at a very small church made completely of earth, no bigger than a single SMC dorm room.  It was so crowded, hot, and there was absolutely no light.  We were all frustrated today because it was very chaotic and could not get the mothers to form a line to make things run more smoothly.  Over these past few weeks we have learned, in situations like these, to just roll with it and do what we can. 
     Hope all is well with everyone back home!  We can't believe that tomorrow will make our halfway point of our trip.  Holy cow! 
     Love to all,
     Remi, Kelley, and Meg

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