Saturday, June 4, 2011

Day 6: Tea, tea and more tea!

Today was another relaxing day! We enjoyed reading our books and sitting in the sun. We had a field trip to the tea plantation. We were given a tour to see the process of tea production, which is incredibly long! It was really neat to see how something that is hand-picked in a field in Uganda ends up at home in our coffee cups on the other side of the world. Can you imagine picking tea leaves all day long in the hot sun? There were over one-thousand acres of tea plants! The view was soo pretty! When we got back the kids were all gathered at the gate waiting for us to play as always. We took jump ropes and music for them which they loved. These little kids sure know how to dance! Well, that's about it for today :)
Love to all!
Remi, Kelley, and Meg

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