Friday, June 3, 2011

Day 5: Kick back and Relax!

Today was so much fun!  We didn't have to go to the clinic today because it was a national holiday celebrating the martyrs of Uganda.  The whole town was shut down for the day.  So we slept in a little bit and started our day with a nice run through town.  It was so strange not having anyone yelling mizungo (white person at us)!  During the afternoon we tackled the first load of laundry, all done my hand!  It was quite the experience.  Boy do our forearms ache!  It was a very eye opening experience for the three of us.  We take for granted the use of our washing machines and dryers when our neighbors are forced to walk miles everyday to get the water to hand wash their clothing for an entire family.  We had a lot of down time to relax on our own and enjoy the company of the sisters.  The best part of the day was game night with the sisters!  We played Rummikub (Remi was so excited!!!!!!!) and the always exciting Uno.  It was so fun to laugh and play with the sisters.  The games got pretty intense as you can imagine.  We got to see a whole different side of Sister Lillian and Sister Stella!  We finished the evening with another delicious Thanksgiving Day-like dinner and are off to get ready for bed!  Hope all is well with everyone back home.  We miss you all!

Love always,
Remi, Kelley, Meg 

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