Monday, June 6, 2011

Day 8: Back to the grind

Hello everyone! Today we went back to our regular schedule at the clinic. The doctor came to the clinic today and took us on his rounds. We were able to help him assess and diagnose patients as they came to the clinic. It was a nice day so we decided to walk home. All three of us had the opportunity to fetch water with the kids, a chore they do multiple times a day. It is approximately a half mile walk down hill to the well. There they fill up the 3 gallon jugs, turn around, and walk right back up all the way to their homes. We were all amazed to see how much work these little kids do on a daily basis. This really makes us appreciate the clean running water we have straight from our faucets. We complain about the simplest chores, and these kids never complain once about the physically demanding chores they are asked to do.
Kelley, Remi, and Meg

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