Sunday, June 5, 2011

Day 7: S'mores!!!!!

Hello everyone!

     Today was another nice relaxing day!  We woke up and went to 8:00 mass.  It was so beautiful.  The singing and all the different instruments were so energetic and upbeat.  It made us want to get up and dance.  The mass was spoken in Rutooro so we could not understand, but we could still follow the universal steps of the mass.  We spent the afternoon reading and catching some rays.  Since today was Sunday, it was our day to cook dinner!  Tonight we cooked spaghetti with red meat sauce, garlic bread, and assorted vegetables.  Our main event was dessert.  We had a special surprise for the sisters and the night guards... S'MORES!!  They had never heard of them before.  We truly knocked their socks off.  It was so fun.  We were all just laughing and having a great time toasting our mallows.  A great way to end the weekend.  Now it is back to work at the clinic tomorrow!  Love to all!

Love always,
Remi, Meg, and Kelley 

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