Thursday, June 23, 2011

Day 24, 25: Work, work, work!

     Hello everyone!  Sorry it has been so long yet again.  We have had some bad storms these past couple days and the power has been going in and out!  Everything has been going really well over here.  This week we all have been assigned new jobs.  Meg is in admission/Room 2, Kelley is in maternity, and Remi is in pharmacy.  It is nice to switch things up a bit!  These past couple days we have been doing a lot of outreaching at primary schools.  In the last two days we have given over 200 tetanus shots to these school aged girls.  We can all say we are getting pretty good at our IM shots! 
     Yesterday Dr. Traxler (the chair of the Education Dept. at SMC) and her daughter, Elizabeth, came for their visit.  It is so nice having them here!  Elizabeth just finished her first year of med school. so she was really excited to come to the clinic with us today and get some great experience!
     Aside from our time at the clinic, we have been enjoying out time with the neighborhood kids who we have become so close with.  We all wish we could bring them home with us.  These kids have taught us so much in the short time we have been here in Uganda.  They are just so happy and full of life.  We hope to bring home with us their extreme optimism and love for life.  They constantly remind us to be grateful for what we have and to never take a day for granted. 
     Hope all is well with everyone at home!  Love to all.

Meg, Kelley, and Remi

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