Monday, June 27, 2011

Day 26, 27, 28, 29: The Rains Are Blessed Down in Africa

     Hello everyone!  Please do not take our lack of blog posting personally!  We have had a storm everyday for the past four days and the power goes out so easily!  So finally, here we are!
     This past weekend was really great.  it was nice to just relax at the convent for a change.  Friday at the clinic went really well for all of us.  Right when we got there a mom was in labor and about to deliver.  So we got to assist with that.  Shortly after we headed to another school to give more tetanus shots.  It was a great day!!
     On Saturday we went to Fort Portal with Dr. Traxler and her daughter so they could have a chance to see the town.  Naturally we managed to do a little more shopping!  Later in the afternoon Sister Lillian took us all on a trip to the Kabale Forest.  While driving through we saw numerous monkeys and a huge black cobra!  It was nasty/terrifying.  After that we headed back to Kyarusozi and relaxed and gave our little house a much needed cleaning!
    On Sunday we woke up for mass at 8am.  While we were sitting waiting for mass to begin, a little boy about the age of 5 came and sat right next to us.  He was all by himself but had no problem sitting next to three mizungos that he had never met!  He was so adorable in his suit.  He even had a shilling in his hand for the offertory.  It was inspiring to see this little boy giving what he could to God, while he himself has so little.  The mass itself is just so beautiful.  The music is indescribable.  It literally just lifts your heart.  The people sing with so much soul and you can't help but clap your hands along with them.  We all felt very uplifted after leaving mass!  Because it was Sunday, it was our turn to cook dinner.  So we all decided to make breakfast for dinner.  We made french toast, eggs, potatoes and assorted fruits.  It was so delicious and reminded all of us of home!
     Today was another exciting day at the clinic.  Shortly after we arrived, a woman came to the clinic in active labor.  The first thing we noticed was how huge her belly was!  We thought for sure there had to be two babies in there.  After a few minutes of pushing, the woman's water finally broke/exploded.  It was literally like a waterfall coming out of this woman's uterus.  It covered the delivery table and wall.  It was UNREAL!!!!!!   After a little more pushing, the baby began to crown and in no time, came out, with yet another waterfall of amniotic fluid.  Grace, the midwife, confirmed that the mother was not carrying twins, but had sever hydraminos (excess amount of amniotic fluid).  Due to the hydraminos, the baby suffered greatly.  When they baby was born her was completely cyanotic (blue) and not breathing.  We immediately brought the baby over to the crib and preformed resuscitation.  An entire 5 minutes went by before this baby took its first strong breath.  We were all so terrified.  God was definitely in the delivery room and saved this beautiful baby boy.  After this life threatening experience we headed for yet another outreach.  Today we went to a primary school in Kihumuro to give more tetanus shots.  This was such a wonderful and stress free experience.  The children were so well behaved.  Not a single one screamed or cried.  We were on cloud nine!  We also vaccinated a handful of boys who had serious open wounds and/or ulcers on their legs and feet. 
    It was a great day with lots of experience!  We hope all is well with everyone at home.  We can all hardly believe our trip is coming to an end so soon.  The time has literally flown by.  It has just been the most amazing experience of our lives.
     Love to all and talk to you soon!

       Meg, Kelley, and Remi

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